Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Wake Up GB

Yet another Depressing Headline, Unemployment up again: this time to a 17 year high of 2.6 m. with over 1 million young people out of work.

This Government inherited a debt of £156bn, they have reduced
this to just over £120bn, but will have to borrow a further £156bn, to pay the benefits bill as a direct result of their policies of putting people out of work.

The latest estimates are that with growth predicted at 0.9% the government
will leave a debt for the country to pay in 2015 of £1.3trillion.

The recession which is coming will last for up to 10 years, the continued
decline we have suffered over the last 12 months will further exasperate
the rece

Will Cameron Resign?

Cameron went to the EU summit last week to try and protect the City
of London Financial Centre, partially because the UK economy depends
so much on the revenues earned. He failed to get the protection, and
used his veto over the closer amalgamation of the sovereign states in
the EU. He had every intention of saying “No” to the treaty, and although all the other countries agreed to sign up to the proposals,
some are now having second thoughts.

France was not all pleased about Cameron, and his request for protection
for the City of London. France will still receive agricultural monetary
support from the EU for their inefficient farming policy. France is
under notice that its credit rating could be reduced by 50%, they would
have expected th UK joining the new treaty, as they know Cameron would
be the first in line to pump cash into the failing states. He lent to
Ireland when they didn’t need it, and he gave money to the IMF
so they can help the failing states.

Sarkozy threatened that the UK would pay dearly over the veto being
applied, other French sources wanted the UK to carry on paying in to
the EU, but not receive a rebate back again.

Will Clegg be P.M.?

The Lib Dems and Nick Clegg are positioning themselves for Nick Clegg
to take over from David Cameron as Prime Minister. It is obvious to
everybody that Cameron’s attitude to the EU and his lack of diplomacy,
has caused irreparable damage, and Cameron is the wrong person to put
it right. A change of leader may help, a change of government would
be better, but the Lib Dems may feel that the electorate still feel
they were betrayed by them, and not re-elect them.

Treaty to be signed in March 2012

Since writing this article it has been announced that several EU countries
are uneasy about signing up to the treaty, before the small print has
been agreed. The treaty was supposed stop the EU countries going into
debt in the future, unfortunately the EU has not addressed the current
state of sovereign debt in member countries.
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Vic Farron RFT Express. .

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