Unemployment has rocketed up in the three months to August by a phenomenal 110,000, reaching 2.57 million, the highest figure for 17 years. This figure includes 992,000 young people, the so called lost generation.
In addition this, the IFS said that in 2010, nearly 1 in 5 UK children were living in poverty, a total of 2.5 million children and 2.1 million working-age parents were living in "absolute" poverty.
This is expected to rise to an additional 600,000 children being forced into “absolute” poverty, before the government’s planned introduction of the Universal Credit scheme in 2013. The IFS is forecasting that absolute child poverty will fall by 100,000 to three million in 2014 and 2015. The increase in Gas and Electric over the last few years, will have a lot of families making a choice this winter, Eat or Heat. The increased prices to domestic customers comes at the time of falling wholesale prices. The energy companies were caught out by “Which” when they contacted the six biggest companies asking them for their cheapest rates. About a third of the time “Which” Was quoted a higher figure than the energy companies cheapest rate.
According to a report from the Institute for Fiscal Studies, falling incomes will mean the biggest 3 year drop for middle-income families since the 1974-77, following the oil crisis which included a sterling crisis and an IMF bail-out as well as industrial unrest during John Major’s premiership with the Conservatives in power.
There is more optimism for middle earners, with incomes rising slowly after 2013 - although it is projected that 2015 income levels will still be below where they were six years earlier.
The prospects remain uncertain for the poorest in 2015 - with the IFS predicting that the number of working-age adults in absolute poverty will remain at 2.5m for parents and will rise to 4.1m for working-age adults without children. The figure for children is expected to increase to 1 child in every 4 suffering from poverty.
A Department for Work and Pensions spokesman said benefits changes would tackle poverty by "making work pay". Yes maybe it will, the only problem is that the Coalition are creating higher unemployment, to make it much more difficult to get even a low paid job , or part time job.[Definition of JOB: Just Over Broke].
If you do get a job, be warned, the coalition have altered the rules concerning unfair dismissal, and using a tribunal. If you are harassed, abused or bullied at work, you have to endure it for 2 years before you can take it to a tribunal, and then you have to pay up front fees to have your case heard. The Conservative led Coalition is also trying to get rid of the Human Rights act.
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