Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Sharing: Winners and Losers


Telling other people you like a web page , blog or article, has been made a lot easier with the ‘Add This ‘ bar seen on many sites. It is a lot easier and quicker than posting a comment on a site or blog. The chief difference is that with a share you don’t get a link back to your site as you do with a comment.
There is no reason why you can’t do both.

Statistics from the ‘Add This’ site gathered from its’ ‘Add this widget’ like the one on every page on our site show a dramatic increase in sharing withFacebook coming out on top with 52.1% of the total ‘shares’. There is an ‘Add This’ bar at the bottom of this blog.

The ‘Add this bar’ is now on over 11 million different domains with 1.2 billion users having a choice of around 350 sharing sites from which to share articles, blogs, and web pages.

Twitter shares grew by nearly 577% during 2011, and is now responsible
for 13.5% of all shares. Tumblr was another high flyer with a 1300% increase, and still growing. Stumblupon created a 320% viral lift while Google +1 grew by 373% than levelled off.[ Google are starting to put +1s on their search engine results]. Email, print and favorites make up 14.4% of all shares.

Those losing ground were Digg which declined by 48%, and Myspace fell by 57%.

As expected mobile devices used for sharing grew 6 fold

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Vic Farron RFT Express. .
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Monday, 19 December 2011

Austerity or Years to Come

Correct me if I am wrong.

We may not be in recession right now, but it certainly feels like it. We have all suffered since the coalition took power, and they will continue to inflict pain, because this the government of high taxation, and high unemployment, hasn't any idea how to get the economy going. The Coalition say they will not spend their way out of this mess, but in actual fact they are spending their way into it. Debt if the growth forecasts are to be believed will be higher in 2015 when this government has gone, than when it took over. The growth figures are so highly optimistic they are not even credible.

So what is the real problem?

The real problem is that the government are still spending more than they receive in tax revenue. Unemployment is at a 17 year high, meaning that the government will have to spend more on the benefits bill. The governments answer is more cuts which will put more people out of work, and increase government expenditure.
The proposed increase in fuel duty of 4p per litre, would have fuelled inflation,
and pushed prices higher, as well as pushing more businesses into liquidation.
More people out of work, means more benefits to be paid out, less tax revenue, higher prices, higher inflation, and further tax rises and government borrowing.

So the problem is clear

And the answer is also clear, get more people into work, get more tax revenue, the debt comes down and people in work can spend more than those on benefits.
The government keep telling us that they have spent £xxx billions on long term schemes to get the country on its feet in 5 to 10 years time. Government and Local Authorities can do something if they wanted to, instead of wallowing in self pity, blaming the last Government, The Banking Crises, the EU, the Financial Crisis, the Recession, Strikes, the Unions, Bad Weather, and anything else they can think of. This government is now saying the problems stem from the last government who allegedly brought us out of recession too quickly.

So how important is it for the government to keep people in work?

Without the working man, or woman a terrible thing happens: Nothing If there is such a thing as the average working person, the government will take a minimum of 40% of their earnings in tax. Starting with income tax and national insurance, both of which go up the more a person works. Then there is poll tax, tax on their utility bills, gas electricity and water. There is tax on virtually everything you buy, tax in the form of duty on your entertainment, and of coarse tax in the form of duty on petrol. That is after you have paid tax on the purchase of your car, and tax on the insurance. If you have money left over and put in the bank, you are taxed again. You pay tax when you buy a house in the form of stamp duty, tax on your house insurance, capital gains tax when you sell your home, and so it goes on, sometimes even tax on your pension. When you die they even tax you on that.
It is obvious that the government should be more interested in keeping people in work, instead of paying them to be off work. The government will tell you it is up to the private sector to create jobs, and pull the country up by its boot
straps. They will point to their promised investment into infrastructure sometime in the future; they will point to the money that have promised for the so called enterprise areas, all too little too late. Cameron and Osborne announced at the Conservative conference £3 trillion for infrastructure investment with details to be given in November. No mention of £3trillion in November, just more unemployment.

The Solution.
In the next post

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Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Wake Up GB

Yet another Depressing Headline, Unemployment up again: this time to a 17 year high of 2.6 m. with over 1 million young people out of work.

This Government inherited a debt of £156bn, they have reduced
this to just over £120bn, but will have to borrow a further £156bn, to pay the benefits bill as a direct result of their policies of putting people out of work.

The latest estimates are that with growth predicted at 0.9% the government
will leave a debt for the country to pay in 2015 of £1.3trillion.

The recession which is coming will last for up to 10 years, the continued
decline we have suffered over the last 12 months will further exasperate
the rece

Will Cameron Resign?

Cameron went to the EU summit last week to try and protect the City
of London Financial Centre, partially because the UK economy depends
so much on the revenues earned. He failed to get the protection, and
used his veto over the closer amalgamation of the sovereign states in
the EU. He had every intention of saying “No” to the treaty, and although all the other countries agreed to sign up to the proposals,
some are now having second thoughts.

France was not all pleased about Cameron, and his request for protection
for the City of London. France will still receive agricultural monetary
support from the EU for their inefficient farming policy. France is
under notice that its credit rating could be reduced by 50%, they would
have expected th UK joining the new treaty, as they know Cameron would
be the first in line to pump cash into the failing states. He lent to
Ireland when they didn’t need it, and he gave money to the IMF
so they can help the failing states.

Sarkozy threatened that the UK would pay dearly over the veto being
applied, other French sources wanted the UK to carry on paying in to
the EU, but not receive a rebate back again.

Will Clegg be P.M.?

The Lib Dems and Nick Clegg are positioning themselves for Nick Clegg
to take over from David Cameron as Prime Minister. It is obvious to
everybody that Cameron’s attitude to the EU and his lack of diplomacy,
has caused irreparable damage, and Cameron is the wrong person to put
it right. A change of leader may help, a change of government would
be better, but the Lib Dems may feel that the electorate still feel
they were betrayed by them, and not re-elect them.

Treaty to be signed in March 2012

Since writing this article it has been announced that several EU countries
are uneasy about signing up to the treaty, before the small print has
been agreed. The treaty was supposed stop the EU countries going into
debt in the future, unfortunately the EU has not addressed the current
state of sovereign debt in member countries.
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Vic Farron RFT Express. .

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Friday, 14 October 2011

Millions of Children and Adults Survive in Absolute Poverty .

Unemployment has rocketed up in the three months to August by a phenomenal 110,000, reaching 2.57 million, the highest figure for 17 years. This figure includes 992,000 young people, the so called lost generation.

In addition this, the IFS said that in 2010, nearly 1 in 5 UK children were living in poverty, a total of 2.5 million children and 2.1 million working-age parents were living in "absolute" poverty.

This is expected to rise to an additional 600,000 children being forced into “absolute” poverty, before the government’s planned introduction of the Universal Credit scheme in 2013. The IFS is forecasting that absolute child poverty will fall by 100,000 to three million in 2014 and 2015. The increase in Gas and Electric over the last few years, will have a lot of families making a choice this winter, Eat or Heat. The increased prices to domestic customers comes at the time of falling wholesale prices. The energy companies were caught out by “Which” when they contacted the six biggest companies asking them for their cheapest rates. About a third of the time “Which” Was quoted a higher figure than the energy companies cheapest rate.

According to a report from the Institute for Fiscal Studies, falling incomes will mean the biggest 3 year drop for middle-income families since the 1974-77, following the oil crisis which included a sterling crisis and an IMF bail-out as well as industrial unrest during John Major’s premiership with the Conservatives in power.

There is more optimism for middle earners, with incomes rising slowly after 2013 - although it is projected that 2015 income levels will still be below where they were six years earlier.

The prospects remain uncertain for the poorest in 2015 - with the IFS predicting that the number of working-age adults in absolute poverty will remain at 2.5m for parents and will rise to 4.1m for working-age adults without children. The figure for children is expected to increase to 1 child in every 4 suffering from poverty.

A Department for Work and Pensions spokesman said benefits changes would tackle poverty by "making work pay". Yes maybe it will, the only problem is that the Coalition are creating higher unemployment, to make it much more difficult to get even a low paid job , or part time job.[Definition of JOB: Just Over Broke].

If you do get a job, be warned, the coalition have altered the rules concerning unfair dismissal, and using a tribunal. If you are harassed, abused or bullied at work, you have to endure it for 2 years before you can take it to a tribunal, and then you have to pay up front fees to have your case heard. The Conservative led Coalition is also trying to get rid of the Human Rights act.
Read the full article
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Friday, 7 October 2011

Conservative Conference

There was very little coming out of the Conservative party conference which could inspire the business world. David Cameron wanted business to reach out to new markets in merging countries, he called for the entrepreneuring spirit, but unfortunately the party members were not agreeing. He did say on carbon emissions that the UK WOULD NOT CUT CARBON EMMISSIONS FASTER THAN OTHER COUNTRIES. There was a lot of dissent amongst the so called party faithful, apparently a poll showed 68% wanted to leave the EEC. Most party members were of the mindset that they had lost the election [because they didn’t get a working majority], while the hierarchy were of the opinion they won the election. Party members were not pleased with the suggestion that they scrap the Human Rights act, and the promise that David Cameron would invest £23trillion to get the economy growing, went down like a lead balloon.

Moodys the credit agency has down graded 12 UK banks and building societies, due to the recommendations for ring fencing consumer banking from the riskier investment banking. Cameron had said previously that if banks were failing they should be left to fail. It is this knowledge that we are the only EU country to stop supporting our banks, which triggered the downgrades. This will make it harder, and more costly for our banks to borrow, which in turn will mean less business loans, higher interest rates and higher charges.

Chancellor George Osborne said that the downgrade was a response to the government's move away from guaranteeing Britain's biggest banks and what he called the "too big to fail" problem.

"People ask me, how are you going to avoid Britain and the British taxpayer bailing out British banks in the future?," he told the BBC. "This government is taking steps to do that. Therefore, credit rating agencies and others will say; 'actually, these banks will have to show that they can pay their way in the world'.

"I'm confident that British banks are well capitalised - they are liquid, they are not experiencing the same problems that some of the banks in the Eurozone are experiencing at the moment."

There is still a suspicion that Greece will default, which will be catastrophic for the UK as well as the EU. Although UK banks aren’t heavily exposed to Greek debt, they are to Italy and Spain, which have been downgraded by the Fitch agency.

"Of greater concern to Fitch is the small but no longer negligible tail risk that a further worsening of the Eurozone debt crisis and volatility in the value of Italian government bonds will further erode confidence in the banking system," Fitch said in a statement.

"In such a scenario, concerns about the banks would start to weigh on the sovereign credit profile and a vicious cycle of deteriorating sovereign and bank credit quality could emerge."

The Bank of England have increase ‘Quantitative Easing’ from the original £200bn to £275bn.

In March 2009 George Osborne warned that the Bank of England’s strategy of quantitative easing is a “leap in the dark”.

George Osborne, the then Shadow Chancellor described the decision to effectively print more money as a “last resort”, necessary because of the “complete failure” of Labour’s other measures to tackle the recession.

He told BBC News, "I don't think anyone should be pleased that we have reached this point. It is an admission of failure and carries considerable risk.”

Yesterday George Osborne said "Well, the Bank of England has made an independent judgement that it's right to commence quantitative easing, and that's their independent judgement; but I agree with it and that's why I authorised quantitative easing to proceed.”

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Thursday, 30 June 2011

RFT Express announced today the acquisition of The Yorkshire Courier and Couriers for Yorkshire,

RFT Express Couriers specialise in the delivery of Hanging Garments primarily in the UK and Europe, using long wheel base panel vans capable of carrying up to 2,000 garments a time. We collect from manufacturers and deliver to central warehouses
and distribution centres.

It doesn’t stop there; the major share of the distribution network is multi-dropping to shops and stores, primarily in the UK, and increasingly in Europe. We have also seen an increase in the collection of bespoke garments from multi national manufacturers in Eastern Europe, delivering to their UK stores and their clients. This matches the growth in the UK ‘Bespoke Garment Hire’ industry.

Our core business has always pallet deliveries, principally in the print and machine part sectors. In 2006 RFT Express re-branded with the introduction of the “M1 Shuttle”. To help RFT Express with the anticipated expansion this innovative solution to the single pallet delivery, The Yorkshire Courier was appointed as the preferred contractor.

The Yorkshire Courier: Integrated into the RFT Express Family

The Yorkshire Courier was founded in 1999, focusing on high volume national and international clients, with multiple depots acrossthe UK and Europe. Their goal was to achieve a success rate of
at least 75% of their vehicles having a return load. Apart from the benefit of reducing carbon emissions, the return load strategy was an important function in maintaining their very competitive price of £1 a mile from base to anywhere in the UK and Europe. They still maintain the same pricing structure today, £1 a mile from base to the whole of the UK and the EEEC.

In 2006 The Yorkshire Courier was the preferred contractor to operate the innovative M1 Shuttle on behalf of RFT Express. With the slogan “Save Money-Save The Planet” the M1 Shuttle was oversubscribed within weeks of it being launched.

It was at this point we agreed to take on Couriers for Yorkshire as a subcontractor for the M1 Shuttle.

Couriers in Yorkshire: Integrated into the RFT Express Family
Couriers Yorkshire will now take over full responsibility for the running, and expansion the “M1 Shuttle”.
With the acquisition of The Yorkshire Courier and Couriers in
Yorkshire comes an increased client base, and a larger pool of
vehicles. This will help to take some of the pressure of the RFT
Express Bulk Parcel
deliveries and cut costs for our clients.
More Benefits for RFT and our Clients.
With the increased expertise on all levels that these two companies bring to RFT Express will help to sustain the planned growth of RFT Express. In return both companies will benefit from increased resources and the strong RFT Express brand.

Clients will benefit from reduced costs, and quicker response times, which is important during the ‘recovery’ phase the country is going through.

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Vic Farron RFTExpress. .

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Friday, 27 May 2011

RFT : Right First Time

RFT : Right First Time

RFT: Right First Time, RFT: Rich Format text. RFT: Request For tender. What does RFT actually mean? At RFT Express we adopt the ‘Right First Time’ concept.RFT. Right First Time was the strategy used by the Japanese car manufacturers when they first entered the world markets.”The idea that goods or services should not need to be inspected for quality, because the objective is to build in quality and ensure the product or service is of a high quality the first time.”RFT Express has modified the Japanese definition to fit the present day demands of business, our definition is: - “Services should be of the highest quality at all stages, and each stage should add value to the service in order to achieve “Right First Time” which is embedded in our name.We have taken this concept further by adding the requirement to continually review, improve, and adapt before circumstances deem the improvement as “Best Practices”.

Thursday, 26 May 2011

Don' Lose out on the Job Front

In today’s economic climate you could be losing out on that job you are applying for, simply because of something you have said or done online. You can start to build a more positive image of yourself quite easily, and the sooner the start, the better your image will be.
Large companies and recruitment agencies will check out prospective applicants online, and immediately reject 30% o the applicants because of what they have discovered about them.
3 out of every 10 letters you send applying for a job, could end up in the recycling  bin without being read.
The article What you say on line tells you the most effective way of building a more positive image of yourself, whether it is just to get a job, or as a prelude to you starting your own business.
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Wednesday, 26 January 2011

UK Growth Down

RFT did forecast, on the 7th January, that inflation would rise to 4% or 5%, the Governor of the Bank Of England has now said that we can expect inflation to go up to 4% or 5% in the coming months, before falling back in 2012. The Bank governor noted that UK wages were stagnant and, coupled with high inflation; this had led to the longest decline in the real value of take-home pay in the UK since the 1920s.

Unemployment has also risen, with the private sector, which the coalition were relying on to push the economy in the right direction, only managing to create part time jobs.

Since the coalition has been in power, the recovery has gradually dropped off to a current -0.5%. [This they blamed on the cold weather, which was so cold it increased consumer spending!] But they insist they won’t be blown of course.

Mr Balls, who was given the shadow chancellor's role after Alan Johnson quit last week, said the 0.7% growth in the previous quarter was down to Labour's economic policies. He said: "We are seeing the first signs of what the Conservative-led government's decisions are having on the economy. "The fact is cuts which go too far and too fast will damage our economy. And shrinking growth and rising unemployment is not only bad news for families but will actually make it more difficult to get the deficit down.

"As the head of the CBI said only yesterday, this government has no plan for growth and it is taking political decisions regardless of the damage they will cause to job creation and business. Simply slamming on the brakes is not a credible economic policy."

During PMQ David Cameron was called ‘arrogant’ for his indifference to the suffering of the UK’s population, caused by his policies. He reiterated that they won’t be blown of course.

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