Sunday, 19 July 2009

The Recession – A Great Opportunity?

Recession has gripped the world creating depression amongst the people. Fear of losing their jobs and homes, spreads doom and gloom every where. If you believe this; you are already halfway down the slippery slope to the bottom of the pit of despair. What you want is P.M.A.
Adversity brings out the best and worst in people; make sure it brings out the best in you. In business you plan ahead for all possible scenarios, or should do, fail to plan means you plan to fail. For the majority of people i.e. those not in business simply plan their finances as best they can, and because times have been good, the thought of losing their job has not entered the equation, hence the doom and gloom.
But all is not lost, you can usually find free debt counselling, this tends to delay the immediate problems and consequences, but doesn’t cure the problem. To a lot of people the idea of using a stranger to sort out their debt and their lives is an acknowledgement of failure.
You can do something about it yourself.
Losing your job doesn’t mean you are a failure, it means you have been given choices.
Read the full article
This is the first in a series of articles taken from an E book due later in the year.
Vic Farron, staff writer for

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