Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Britain, a Nation of Animal lovers.

All the world is of the opinion that the British think more about their pets than they do about people. The world is wrong, it is only the British Public who own, or have owned a family pet. A pet is a loyal companion, your children’s best mate, your protector and your comforter. That’s why we have the R.S.P.C.A., and the R.S.P.B. to protect our animals, and they do a better job of protecting our animals, than the authorities do of protecting our vulnerable children.
The UK Government allow you to have your pet put down if it is terminally ill or in extreme pain, when there is no chance of a cure, in fact they will prosecute you for causing your pet undue suffering if you don’t. Poor Granny in pain, with a terminal illness, bedridden, unable to feed, clothe or wash herself, with no quality of life, the Government says she must suffer a long, painful, lingering death.
It is understandable why the world are of the opinion that the British people, and the British Government think more of our pets, than of people. On the news yesterday it was reported that a Police Dog handler left two Alsatians in a Police car, outside a Police Station where they died. The Police chief said on radio that they had spent hundreds of thousands of pound building suitable accommodation for their animals, and said it would not happen again. The R.S.P.C.A were quick to take the animals for post mortem, at least we can satisfied that if there is a case to made, they will prosecute. There was no news about how many old people died of heat exhaustion.

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