Monday, 7 May 2012

Latest News May 2012

The influential 1922 committee have given notice that by Christmas they will have enough signatures to force a vote of ‘No Confidence’ in David Cameron, forcing him to resign. They may be too late, Cameron may have gone before Christmas.

George Osborne said on the BBCs Andrew Marr show today [06/05/12] that he had not put enough ‘spin’ on the budget, which had possible resulted in the Conservatives poor showing in the local elections. He took this as an endorsement that the country approved his austerity package, and there would be no change in course.

He also admitted he was borrowing £65 billion a year more than George Brown borrowed. The latest UK bond auction will attract interest for 14 years before it is redeemed.  Is this really good housekeeping, or just reckless borrowing to prop up failed policies? How many British jobs has this phenomenal extra 2 year £130 billion created?

He has over the last 2 years lent £7 billion to Ireland to top up the bail out fund, and given the IMF  [International Monetary Fund] £20 billion to prop up failing economies such as ours. How many British jobs would £20 billion help to create?

Mr Osborne when asked about Andy Coulson, said: "As I have said many, many times in the past, I approached Andy Coulson to see if he was interested in the job as director of communications for the Conservative Party.”We needed a new director of communications and he was the best person for the job on the shortlist of candidates that we had.

"I will repeat exactly what I said a year ago, which is, that knowing what I know now, of course we regret that position.

RBS have announced that will have repaid the £167 billion lent to them by the British tax payer by the end of the month.  How many British jobs will the British taxpayers £167 billion create?

The split between the Conservatives and the Lib Dems is wider, with both sides blaming each other for the poor showing in the local elections, prompting calls for the coalition to be discontinued.

Mr. Peter Bone has suggested that on the back of the poor showing in the local elections, that the Coalition should be terminated, and if the LibDems didn’t support the government and force a general election, that the LibDems would loose.
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Vic Farron RFT Express. .

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