Telling other people you like a web page , blog or article, has been made a lot easier with the ‘Add This ‘ bar seen on many sites. It is a lot easier and quicker than posting a comment on a site or blog. The chief difference is that with a share you don’t get a link back to your site as you do with a comment.
There is no reason why you can’t do both.
Statistics from the ‘Add This’ site gathered from its’ ‘Add this widget’ like the one on every page on our site show a dramatic increase in sharing withFacebook coming out on top with 52.1% of the total ‘shares’. There is an ‘Add This’ bar at the bottom of this blog.
The ‘Add this bar’ is now on over 11 million different domains with 1.2 billion users having a choice of around 350 sharing sites from which to share articles, blogs, and web pages.
Twitter shares grew by nearly 577% during 2011, and is now responsible
for 13.5% of all shares. Tumblr was another high flyer with a 1300% increase, and still growing. Stumblupon created a 320% viral lift while Google +1 grew by 373% than levelled off.[ Google are starting to put +1s on their search engine results]. Email, print and favorites make up 14.4% of all shares.
Those losing ground were Digg which declined by 48%, and Myspace fell by 57%.
As expected mobile devices used for sharing grew 6 fold
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Vic Farron RFT Express. .
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Vic Farron RFT Express. .
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