This time it was the turn of the Labour party to lose, Gordon Brown didn’t have the ability to fight the Conservative party, the Liberal Democrats party, and the Labour party all at the same time. Why did they throw the election away? They were on the right track to pull the country round, they had brought the deficit down, the Coalition's Office of Budget Responsibility confirmed it. It would appear that they simply wanted to get rid of Gordon Brown, there was plenty of contenders for his post when he resigned, why didn't they stand against him when he was elected un-opposed?
Gordon Brown stood no chance of getting labour back in power, he just couldn't fight his own party, the conservatives and the Lib Dems all at once.
The American style electioneering which the UK switched to, worked against Gordon Brown as was expected. As with America, if you throw enough money about you can buy the top post.
At RFT we had a competition with a prize of £100 for the first driver, or contractor to spot a hoarding with a Labour advert on it during the run up to the elections. Nobody won the £100.
Since then the Labour Government has been in opposition, the problem is , they have been in government for so long, they have forgotten what an opposition party is supposed to do.
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