The recent UK student protest with the attack on Conservative headquarters, did nothing to promote their cause.
The people in charge of the country, the cabinet, the ex Thatcher advisors, and the 35 companies who run this country, are nearly all multi-millionaires, and have no idea of the hardship they are causing.
When they see images such as was shown on TV with protestors throwing missiles from the roof of Millbank House, they don't see the cream of the county's brains protesting, they see a bunch of lawless upstarts bent on revenge.
This sort of protest doesn't work on multmillionaires, it just increases their desire to put all students down. This sort of protest has never worked in this country, especially against Thatcherite advisors and governments. You can remember what happened with the Poll tax revolt, and the miners revolt.
It is time the students woke up and acted in a coherent, co-ordinated fashion. The multi-millionaires just laughed at the student protest, it helped their cause, and there was probably discussion how to further anger students into undermining their cause.
Think like a millionaire, and you can protest on their terms effectively. You should not be just protesting against your tuition fees, at the rate this government is going a University degree won't be worth the paper it is written on, why? because there will be no jobs for you!!!!
The Green Party in Ireland are going to resign enmasse to force a general election in January 2011. How many students have emailed their MP suggesting the same thing? How many students have emailed the opposition party, to ask what they are going to do about it, that is if there is an opposition party. How many prospective law students have bothered researched the law in the light of a court forcing a labour MP out of Parliament, allegedly for printing untruths about his opponent. Case: Nick Clegg and his written undertaking not to increase tuition fees, is that an untruth, or mis-representation
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