Monday, 15 March 2010

Meet My Co-Driver- The Half Dog

I thought it was time to tell you a little about myself, and of course my half dog. The dog is not really a half a dog; it’s just that I have him for about half a week while my son works. I sometimes think my son bought the dog, a Border Collie because he thought I needed more exercise in my supposed retirement. Unfortunately because of pressure of work, my first contract run starts at 4-30 a.m. five days a week, and invariably I have to take up some of the excess work load that comes in, which tends to be every day. Tomorrow for instance on top of the first contract I have two other long distance deliveries, which if I don’t manage to combine the two loads, it will mean calling in the temp drivers and hiring another vehicle. All our vehicles are fully booked for tomorrow, and all the office staff are out on the road again. The subcontractors are taking a lot of the excess workload, but I am still ringing round trying to place loads. Unfortunately a lot of our high profile clients insist they have the same driver every time, which complicates things. Read the full article
Vic Farron

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