Sunday, 21 February 2010

Cyberbullying:What every parent and child should know

What Every Parent Should Know:-
Cyberbullying is different to the normal school playground bullying, in that it happens in the privacy of the Childs home. I say ‘the privacy of home’ for the simple reason that a lot of parents still believe a child or young person is safe from bullying in their home.
Direct Gov on the Young People page describe Cyberbullying is when one person or a group of people try to threaten, tease or embarrass someone else by using a mobile phone or the internet. Cyberbullying is just as harmful as bullying in the real world. If you see it happening, report it. Don't ignore it.
The most common occurrences of bullying take place in the form of telephone calls or texts messages to your child’s mobile, through social sites, instant messaging, such as MSN, Video hosting sites such as Utube, web cams and gaming sites. This type of bullying is often compounded by other people deliberately, or unintentionally, resending emails, or commenting on videos.
Unfortunately this is not the only way your child could be under attack, or even you. Read the full article and make sure you email this article to a friend, and let them protect their children.
Vic Farron RFT Express

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