This is probably the most important post you have ever read. It is the final post in the popular Recession Series, and shows you how to get yourself, your company name, or brand in front of millions of people, and companies. Best of all it’s approved and encouraged by all the search engines, and it’s FREE. Links, content, and visitors determine where you are on page 1 of the search engines. We are going to explore the SNOWBALL affect of LINKS. Just like a snowball rolling down a mountain, the number of links keeps growing.
• If you are in business with a website, and want more links, and exposure, you can use all these methods. More links means more people can find you, and most important so can the search engines. AND IT HELPS YOUR RANKINGS.
• If you are selling on EBAY, and want more links, and exposure, you can use all these methods. More links means more people can find you, and most important so can the search engines
• If you are in business without a website, and want more links, and exposure, you can use all these methods.
• If you simply want to increase your exposure on your social Facebook or Myspace, you can use all these methods.
• If you are looking for a job, or thinking of starting a small business, you can use all these methods.
• If you are thinking of going into business, you can use all these methods. And get your site get off to a flying start.
• The most important way people find you or your site is through links.
Read the full article
This is the last in a series of articles taken from an E book due later in the year.
very good