Monday, 31 August 2015

Cameron's Wish List for EU.

David Cameron has promised an in-out referendum by the end of 2017. To date he has not outlined the main changes he is hoping to achieve, and he won’t outline them at all, only the ones he actually achieves.

He wants to transform Europe, which obviously needs transforming, but with the time line he has set he won’t achieve much change.

In January 2013 at Bloomberg he set out minor changes, some of which are not achievable, and some will actually impact on the poorest UK nationals.

They are:
[The items in red are directed at immigrants]
Allowing Britain to opt-out from the EU ambition to forge an "ever closer union" of the peoples of Europe.

Restricting access to in-work and out-of-work benefits to EU migrants.

Giving greater powers to national parliaments to block EU legislation.

Supporting the continued enlargement of the EU to new members but with new mechanisms in place to "prevent vast migrations across the Continent".

Freeing business from red tape and "excessive interference" from Brussels and providing access to new markets through "turbo charging" free trade deals with America and Asia.

Protection for the City of London financial markets from EU legislation

Creating safeguards to ensure changes in the single market cannot be imposed on non-eurozone members by the eurozone.

At the same time he also re-affirmed the Britain would not join the Euro currency, and would appose a European army.

In a speech last November, David Cameron set out measures to reduce the number of EU nationals moving to the UK. The BBC’s interpretation is below.

His main proposals were: [The items in red are directed at immigrants]

Four year delay for EU migrants
wishing to claim in-work benefits, such as tax credits, or seeking access to social housing, the general opinion is that this will also apply to UK nationals.

Stopping migrants claiming child benefit for dependents living outside the UK.

Removing migrants from the UK
after six months if they have not found work.

Restricting the right of migrants to bring non-EU family members into the UK.

Stopping EU jobseekers claiming Universal Credit, again strong possibility this will also apply to UK nationals.

Speeding up deportation of convicted criminals.

Longer re-entry bans for beggars and fraudsters removed from the UK.

Stopping citizens from new EU entrants working
in the UK until their economies have "converged more closely".

Extra money for communities with high levels of migrants.

Net Immigration now stands at 333,000. Cameron was elected on his promise to reduce immigration to 100,000. But we all know what he is like.

He has also told his cabinet members they have to vote with him, or resign.

In 1975 when we had the last referendum, the Labour leader Harold Wilson gave his cabinet a free vote and allowed them to canvass against him. He still won with 67% of the vote.

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Vic Farron RFT Express.
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Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Have you heard?

Have you heard?

RFT Express has gained the status of ‘Preferred Courier to the N.H.S.’ and I have been too busy to complete the rest of the site, only the first page done so far.

I have created a sub directory for it on our main site, mostly because it is number 1 worldwide, in all search engines for our chosen key words. [Hanging Garment Deliveries, RFT Express, etc ]

Unfortunately this makes the address of the sub directory rather long: , with such a long address I thought I would have problems getting it listed in the search engines. With this in mind I decided to leave submitting the site until it was finished.

The reason I mentioned this was because I was doing some research today, and tried the phrase rft-nhs on the French Bing search engine,it came at numbers 1,3,4,5,6, on the first page, which was a surprise; The same happened on When I tried RFT came in at 5 and 6.

Usually all the other EU search engines tend to be about the same. I then tried phrase rft-nhs came at the bottom of page 2, for an article on Scotland’s nhs.

In ,the phrase was number 1 page1 and is number 1,3,4,5,6, on page 1

It would appear the Yahoo and Bing are providing a better search service for people than Google. Yahoo and Bing certainly give a more in-depth search than Google, and are ahead of Google with their indexing.

I have written just 3 articles during the run up to the elections:

UK Debt and Deficit
Why the Scotts should vote labour
Cameron afraid of ElectionDebate

RFT Express has gained the status of 'Preferred Courier' for the NHS.
In order to re-balance the spread of business, for your next delivery or contract, you can name your own price. If it is feasible RFT Express will fulfill your order. Call 07773 297 390 or mail