Saturday, 31 May 2014

Scotland's Independence Campaign Officially Started

The UK treasury has produced a set of figures which show that every person in Scotland will be £1,400 better off by staying in the UK, while the Scottish government has produce a conflicting set of figures showing that by 2029/30 every person will be £1,000 better off.

Although the figures are conflicting, they are taken over different time periods as the basis, then used for the projections. There is a link on the article page for the BBC Scotland Economics Correspondent, Colletta Smith’s break down of the figures.

Alex Salmond told the BBC that the ‘Yes’ campaign was gaining ground, he also said he had changed his style of campaigning after previous defeats in national elections.
He quoted “Since November, when we launched the White Paper, the average support in all opinion polls for "Yes" has gone from 37% to 45%."
In terms of the independence vote, the polls have been picking up that more women are undecided.

Alex Salmond has announced that junior ministers Shona Robison, who oversees equality and Angela Constance, who has the youth employment brief, would be made full Scottish cabinet members.
He added: "Subject to parliamentary approval, with these two outstanding ministers in the Scottish cabinet, we practice what we preach.
The two new ministers will be joining Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon and Culture Secretary Fiona Hyslop at the cabinet table, making four women in total of Mr Salmond's 10 cabinet secretaries being women.
"The cabinet is our board as a country, and women will make up 40% of the members of the Scottish cabinet."
This is a direct response to Labour's Margaret Curran pledge for a 50% quota of women on public boards, and she also said that she wanted companies to be forced to publish pay differences between male and female workers.
The Scottish government also announced a women-only Scottish cabinet event to debate issues related to the independence referendum.

The Scottish Office

The Scottish Office put forward a compelling case for Scotland staying in the UK with 5 facts supporting the argument.

The SNP and the Liberal Democrats both held their conferences recently, while Alex Salmonde was still claiming that the UK had turned it’s back on Scotland, he now seems to be the only person to think that Scotland leaving the UK, is the same as the UK turning it's back on Scotland.

In short The Liberals and Danny Alexander put forward a passionate plea, where as Alex Salmonde carried on with his true blue Tory attitude of mud throwing.

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Related Articles: Scotland's YES campaign gaining ground : Scottish Parties Conferences : Scottish Referendum Probabilities and Possibilities: Salmond chases Female vote: Scottish CBI Back 'NO' Vote : Billions of pounds will flow from Scotland with 'Yes' vote : Alex Salmond reckless Gamble with Scotland : Scottish Independence,is it viable? : Salmonds Dream Shattered | Blog | Scotland the Brave : Blog | Gordon Brown and Dream Team :Transport and an Independent Scotland : Scotlands Referendum

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