Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Scotland's Independence

Gordon Brown to join 'Dream Team'

Gordon Brown has been asked to Join a “Dream Team” to lead the ‘Anti-independence Campaign’ along with former Scottish Tory leader Annabel Goldie, Scottish Labour leader Johaan Lamont, Sir Alex Ferguson and Alistair Darling.

According to an article in the Scotsman a senior Tory source said: “If the referendum is to be won by those who support Scotland remaining part of the UK, then it’s essential that Labour voters turn out in large numbers to support the UK.”

A senior Scottish Tory source seized on Mr Park’s claims that Mr Salmond would be “apprehensive” about facing the former Labour leader during the referendum campaign, to say that there was “no-one better placed” than Mr Brown to attract the support of Labour voters to the anti-independence cause and that the former prime minister’s intervention in the campaign “could be crucial” to the result of the referendum in autumn 2014.

” Mr. Park commented on “Gordon Brown increasing Labour’s share of the vote in Scotland and is still popular adding, “Gordon Brown is potentially more popular than Alex Salmond.

It is in Labour’s interest that Scotland remains in the UK, while politically it will benefit the Tories if Scotland broke away from the UK.

If Scotland were to become independent, it would mean the removal of all Scottish MPs from both Houses of Parliament, which would make it virtually impossible for Labour to ever get a majority in an election.

Alex Salmond is banking on the EU welcoming the Independent Scotland with open arms because it is a rich nation.
I wrote a blog Scotland the Brave in which I referenced some of the conditions needed to be a member of the EU, which make it obvious that it won’t be as easy as Alex Salmond thinks to join the EU.

One other condition not outlined in that blog, is the
fact that whoever joins the EU has to adopt the Euro. Bearing in mind that it is common knowledge that Scotland will keep the GB Pound, this is just one more stumbling block to overcome.

The EU as well as the rest of the UK know, oil reserves are getting less in the North Sea, and this will reduce revenues over time.

Alex Salmond is also expecting being welcomed with open arms by NATO. Mr Salmond has said he will not allow nuclear subs to use Fastlane, this is part of a non negotiable agreement with NATO that the deterrents are stationed at Fastlane.

Alex Salmond is expecting changing the EU and NATO just to achieve his desire to go down in history as the man who took Scotland to Independence.
One thing he has overlooked is the number of EU citizens who will be able to come to Scotland to share in the wealth he talks about.

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