Saturday, 15 May 2010

Scammers Hit UK Again

The latest scam to hit the UK with a vengeance is being operated using mobile phones. It started about 3 weeks ago with a simple text message from a supposed legal company, asking if you have had an accident in the last two years. The text message invites you to reply ‘NO’ to stop future messages.
The mobile numbers are randomly generated by computer, and by texting ‘No’ it confirms to the scammers your number is live, enabling them to build a list for future scam campaigns. When they have extracted sufficient cash from the list, the list is then sold on to other scammers. Read More..   Vic Farron

UK Democracy is Dead

The UK has a new government voted in democratically by the citizens of the UK. What a laugh !
The Conservative voters, voted for the Conservative Policies: They didn’t get those policies they voted for.
The Lib.Dem. Voters, voted for the LIB. Dem. Policies: They didn’t get those policies they voted for.
The Labour Voters, voted for the Labour Policies: They didn’t get those policies they voted for.

The Conservatives and the Lib. Dems. ditched their manifestos in the selfish pursuit of power. The two leaders have dictated to the UK what they will get. At least Gordon Brown stuck to his election promises, and didn’t compromise his integrity.

That’s Dictatorship spelt Democracy

One of the first things the UK voters have to suffer is that the new Government will pass a bill giving them a 5 year fixed term. That is 5 years of policies that the majority of the country don’t want. There isn’t one voter in the country that elected their MP to pass this law. Is this being power crazy, or just the fact that they expect the country to rebel against not getting the policies they voted for.

That’s 5 years of Dictatorship spelt Democracy.

Every MP was voted in because of his party promoting fair change. What is fair about telling the electorate what they intend to do, then in the pursuit of absolute power, compromise themselves by ditching policies and agreeing to support each other to force changes beneficial to themselves.

Is 5 years of absolute power Fair?
Read the full article Vic Farron

Sunday, 2 May 2010

Is This Your family

I was reading the part of the budget again concerning the increase in fuel duty. You may remember I did predict that as the world came out of recession the price of fuel would start to rise again. Although the oil companies increase the price of fuel more than the government increase the tax, we all pay the price in increased delivery costs, and of course when the duty is increased, or the oil companies put the price up, the private motorist also has to pay the increased VAT as well.
As part of a promotional email campaign 8 Years ago, I wrote several articles ‘The Average UK Family’ which charted a hypothetical day in the life of an average family, and how RFT Express with the contracts and deliveries we were making at the time, contributed to their standard of living. Sadly a lot of the companies we were delivering for have fallen by the wayside during the recession.
What the article does show, is that everything you own, use, wear or eat has been transported by road, by several vehicles. The house you live in came by road, your place of work, every piece of equipment, every machine, was transported by road.
I have reproduced one of the articles, I know several important decision makers in government read the blog, this could be a gently reminder of how increased fuel duty impacts on everyone.
Read the full article