Saturday, 23 January 2010

Google search Tips

Google Search engines are responsible for 85% of the on line searches, of this approximately 65% were for people wanting to buy something; the other 20% were classed as research.

We give you some tips on how to use Google as the professionals do, and find what you are looking for quicker.

Be Specific with Google Searches

1 Lets say you want to find a ‘Courier’ firm. If you enter the word :- ‘Couriers’ you will come up with millions of courier firms, and finding the one you want will take a long time

2 You can clarify your search by specifying an area:- ‘Yorkshire Couriers’, or narrow it down a little more by using the term ‘Yorkshire Parcel Couriers’

3 If you are looking for a specialised courier, most specialised couriers will have optimised their site for phrases people will type in for that particular specialised market, such as :- ‘ Hanging Garment Deliveries’. Or more specific:-‘Hanging Garment Deliveries UK and Europe’

The more specific your search is, the easier it is to find what you are looking for.

You can use the ‘This Or That’

All search terms are usually not case sensitive. This term is case sensitive, the ‘OR’ must be in uppercase.:- for example ‘hanging garment deliveries europe OR pallet deliveries uk and europe’

Similar Words

If you are searching for a specific word, and you want to include similar words or synonyms. Use ‘~’ between the words. :- for example ‘ Courires~transport’

Exclude Words

If you want to exclude words from the Google search use ‘-‘ between the words. :- for example ‘Couriers – Transport’

Site search

If you want to search a site, such as this one for a particular phrase, use for example “1p per mile”

Numerical Range search

To find results that contains any of a range of numbers. Use this ‘..’ search parameter for example :- Births 1967..2010 or laptop £200..£300


You can type your expression direct into the Google search box. Example 35% of 17. More examples on


Convert currency, GBP to US Dollars ,sizes from metric to inches, litres to gallons, Example 1 metre=?inches

Read the full article Vic farron Rftexpress

Sunday, 17 January 2010

RFT Express News

2009 was a good year for RFT Express Couriers, with a 34% increase in business during 2009, from the previous year. The majority of new accounts gained in 2009, have resulted in repeat business with 45% of the total number of new accounts resulted in being contract work. Contract work is regular runs repeated daily, weekly or monthly, which makes it easier to manage the increase. European runs contributed 25% of the total increase, with Italy now taking the number one spot from Germany.

For 2010 the target increase is 35% on the 2009 figures. RFT Express Couriers have identified 150 plus companies who will be able to benefit from RFT ‘s expertise in our niche market of ’Hanging garment deliveries UK and Europe.’

Google contributed a considerable amount of visitors, with this search term, coming at no 1&2 in most European searches, with enquiries from North Africa, and as far away as China.

Bing the Microsoft owned search engine didn’t list us in the UK searches on the first page, but they did put us at no 1 in the world search.

Over the Christmas / New Year break, we had the statisticians analyse our databases and records, as well as the web stats, to enable them to come up with cost savings. Part of the brief was to analyse the transport industry as a whole, and spot future trends within this sector, as well as the clothing manufacturing, wholesale, and retailing sector, as well as the print industry, and advise RFT how we could take advantage of these trends.

Read the full Statement

Vic Farron RFT Express

Sunday, 10 January 2010

Free Microsoft Office 2010

RFT Express promised exciting things for 2010, well if you are a Microsoft fan, here is something really exciting
Microsoft has released the beta version of the new Office 2010, and you can download this for free. Several versions are available, Home and business, Professional, and Professional Plus. Included are new versions of Word, Excel, Access, Powerpoint, One note, Outlook, Publisher, Sharepoint Workspace, Communicator, and Info Path.
What is helpful is the fact that all these programmes ‘Talk to each other’, an ideal solution for the small to medium sized business, and students.
Additional downloads include:- Microsoft Visio 2010 and Project 2010.
Microsoft state they have had 2 million downloads in the first seven weeks. Prices for the US have now been published on their site.
More information and download link from Microsoft.

Open Office

Open Office is a totally free open source office suite a good alternative, check it out on RFT Express / Downloads

Twitter Rankings

You can now get your Twitter account graded courtesy of Hubspot. This is a free service provided by Hubspot, and will tell you how influential your twitter site is. Tip :- don’t bother trying to see what grade my twitter account is, I simply haven’t had the time to use it this year, this will alter as one of the blogs is now linked to twitter. The RFT Express facebook also picks up the my blog, or you can subscribe to the feed on the blog. As I said before we have been extremely busy during 2009, but many of the office applications have now been automated, and will give me more time to write.

For your convenience we have added a share button on this blog, and on every page on the website, please feel free to use it.

Vic Farron RFT Express couriers

Saturday, 2 January 2010

2009 – The Year of Opportunity

RFT Express wish all their Customers and Clients, Staff, Contract Couriers and Readers a Happy and Prosperous 2010.
It has been some time since I have managed to write a blog, due entirely to pressure of work, please accept my apologies for this.
The planned expansion during 2009, exceeded all parameters and goals we had set, and resulted in everybody taking to the road to fulfil our obligations to our customers and clients, including at times office staff. This was very much appreciated.
We expected the pressure to ease during the Christmas and New year break, when a lot of firms close for a the festive season, but true to form this wasn’t to be, with two new contracts starting, one two days before Christmas, and the other just after Christmas.
RFT had request for help from 4 major companies, to take up their extra work loads at Christmas, unfortunately we had to decline. These companies were experiencing a similar growth to that we had experienced since April, but had failed to plan for it.
Our planned expansion during 2009 came from two major sources, firstly new customers finding us on the internet. Our niche market, ‘Hanging Garment Deliveries UK and Europe’ was continually coming top in the organic searches on Google in the UK and all the European Google search engines. Our core business ‘Pallet Deliveries UK and Europe’ also featured high in these searches. The other major source for the increase came from recommendations from our customers and clients, for which we give them a special ‘Thank You.’
RFT Express have a lot of exciting plans for 2010, more news on these will follow shortly.
Vic Farron RFT Express